It's no secret; Minnesota can get
cold, really cold. I'm talking about a coldness that you can't even really describe. It would be like trying to describe how the Holy Ghost feels to someone who hasn't recognized or defined those feelings before - except sort of the opposite because the Holy Ghost is warm and comforting and this cold is, well, cold and miserable.
Anyway, the point of this post is not to focus on the miserableness of how awful it was to walk 1/2 mile to the bus stop in -20 degree weather, miss the bus by 5 seconds, walk home, and then finally catch a few different buses to get to work when my car didn't start on a really cold day.
The point of this post is to share my gratitude for several blessings we enjoy that we often take for granted because of their abundance.
My biggest blessing that day was my friend, Sue, from work. When she heard of my bus adventure in the arctic temperatures, she urged me to accept a ride home (even though she risked being late for a dinner with her husband) so I wouldn't have to brave the cold again. Though I'm a pretty independent person, that was an offer I couldn't refuse. She saved me an hour of arctic winds and chill getting home and an hour of thawing out once I did. I am
so grateful for her kindness!!!
So, join with me in making a list of blessings to remember during really cold winters. I'll read your comments, and add them to this list.
The Grateful Even During Winter List:
good friends
kind strangers
cars that have heaters that work sometimes
cars that get us around quickly even when the heater doesn't work
warm socks
blue fleece pants that fit under my work slacks
green house plants that bring
vibrancy to a grayish winter world
fuzzy warm socks
heated apartment - and it's included in the rent :)
only fond memories of spring, summer and autumn
our Christmas tree is still up
online yoga class
the wind-proof mittens Pedro made me (yes, he actually sewed me polartec fleece mittens)
Hot Chocolate (Ki)
cuddling with my husband (Ki)
hot soup and bread bowls (Bla)
snuggling up to your personal space heater aka your husband (Bla)
electric can openers (Brit)
I would love to know what you are grateful for during the winter; please send your comments.