Monday, December 3, 2012

Missionary Song

This morning at breakfast, Rody said, "Hey, Mom, do you want to hear a song."

He sang out this little ditty with a great rhythm:

"If you want to be a missionary, march! march! march!

March! March!
March! March!
March! March!

To be a missionary, walk! walk! walk!

March! March!
March! March!
March! March!

Then you are missionary (slower, bridge-like effect)

and you can teach the gospel."

In his made up on the spot song, my three-year-old captured the essence of missionary work: march a lot, walk a lot, march a lot - only then do you get to teach.

I wish I could have caught it on video, but when I asked him to sing it again, he made up a song about reindeer and said, "My song starts with a P, okay."


Kiley said...


jeff and alli said...

He is so your kid! Adorable.

Dani said...

Child prodigy.