Friday, August 28, 2009

Dashingly Handsome Little Fellow

My mom bought a white tux for Pedrito's baby blessing. Though it was obviously a bit too big for him, my mom. sisters and I sure had fun playing dress-ups and taking pictures before returning the suit. Poor kid was such a good sport.


Larkin said...

Love the suit! I don't think they come any smaller.. we had a hard time finding one that fit as well... we settled on one just slightly to big..

Emily said...

Aw, what a little charmer! He sure does have full kissy lips! lol Hope you're hanging in there and loving it...looks like you're doing awesome (and you look fabulous, by the way!). ;)

Brittany Roscheck said...

He is so cute! I love dressing them up. By the way, the whole sleep thing does get better I promise! Ry now sleeps through the night most nights and he's only 3 months old. A book I found helpful has been "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." It has totally helped me "read" Ry and know when I need to put him down for a nap and such. Good luck! much love, Brittany

Brittany Roscheck said...

I remembered something else about the whole sleep thing. With Ryan when he was newborn I would put him down and then he'd wake right up until I got a heating pad and put that down before so that when I transferred him it was all warm and toasty for him. Who wants to be put onto a cold bed from a nice warm MaMa? Anyway, after a while it really worked and I still use it.